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The search for DFW’s best young mathematicians is underway. Zoey Garcia, Leilani Tonga, Jackson Grimstad and Noah Merkerson from Jack C. Binion Elementary School in the Birdville ISD beat off tough competition last week at the regional stage of the 5th annual Explore Horizons Young Mathematicians’ Award. A total of 31 schools representing Eagle Mountain Saginaw ISD, Northwest ISD, Birdville ISD, Garland ISD, Arlington ISD as well as area private and charter schools competed last week, with six teams progressing to the finals which will take place December 5th at the NorthPark Center Microsoft Store. The competition is designed in conjunction with the NRICH Project at the University of Cambridge with the goal of inspiring and challenging the mathematical minds of the young and gifted and uncovering the math stars of tomorrow. Explore Horizons has five locations across DFW and provides enrichment and tutoring in math, reading and writing, for children of all abilities in Pre-K through 8th grade.