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Part 2 - Shafeeqa

Shafeeqa had a six-?gure income and was thriving. 

Then she got sick. Very, very sick. In and out of health-cares, she lost her job, savings, and ?nancial security. With a young child, she had no other option than to keep going. Following her passion for food and desire for healing, she began cooking, resulting in the creation of PlantChicks.

?Lingering medical debt on her credit prevented her from receiving traditional lending, so Shafeeqa applied for the Individual Development Account (IDA) program offered by the Center for Transforming Lives. She joined a local co-op with other several small businesses to share a kitchen and used the IDA program funding to continue pursuing her dream.

CTL has helped Shafeeqa learn to balance the needs of her business with her commitment to health and family. Her ?nancial coaches hold her accountable and offer tools that have set her up for success. You can taste the success for yourself - PlantChicks has provided your plant-based dessert today!


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Disclaimer: This post and series is brought to you by the Center for Transforming Lives as part of the Hidden Homeless initiative to raise awareness of local issues surrounding our community and its members. 


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