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The Center for Transforming Lives' Homes for the Holidays donation drive helps us provide a better start for families recovering from homelessness. We help over 100 families move to empty apartments each year; we rely on caring people like you to fill these apartments with basic necessities such as towels, a skillet, twin beds and cleaning supplies. These essentials and a few weeks of bath, kitchen and cleaning supplies will ensure these families have real Homes for the Holidays.


Amber grew up in poverty and violence. This trauma at an early age numbed her to the chaos, instability and abuse. Amber’s mother, when she was around, did not prioritize education. So neither did Amber. Her mother job-hopped, boyfriend-hopped and couch-hopped when she couldn’t pay rent. It was turmoil for a young child who could not escape. Amber grew into an impoverished and homeless young adult. Alone on the streets, she was desperate for a new life, hoping for an escape from the cycle of poverty. Fortunately, Amber finally found the Center for Transforming Lives (CTL). Case managers saw her spark of determination and enrolled her in counseling to address her history of abuse. Amber started studying for her GED and participated in job-readiness training and counseling to learn what a stable life means. And, CTL found Amber a small apartment – just in time. She delivered twin girls! Amber could take her babies to a safe home instead of a homeless shelter. When CTL helped move her and the twins into the new apartment, it didn’t take long. All she owned was two car seats, some clothes and enough blankets to make a pallet on the floor. No towels, no cookware. No furniture. No cribs. In their new home, Amber and her babies were safe and warm, but an empty apartment is a tough way to start over. Can you imagine caring for twin infants without a crib or changing table? Or hoping the diapers last a few more days?

This was Amber’s reality.


You can change this reality. You can provide a better start for families recovering from homelessness. A few weeks of basic necessities for families like Amber’s will ensure these families have a real home for the holidays. CTL helped move 85 families from homelessness to empty apartments this year. Will you join us? You can help us fill these apartments with basic necessities such as towels, a skillet, twin beds, cleaning supplies.

 Join us to lift more mothers and children by giving a real home for the holidays this year.

Lift a family. Gift a home.

 Go to to donate today.

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